Health Testing with Lucinda @ Fresh Holistic
Why use Testing ?
Testing in a certain area can help you gain clarity and direction. We can then put together a treatment protocol using the information that we have gained.
Some unexplained symptoms can warrant certain testing to help focus on what is happening biochemically in the body and then we are able to correct the imbalance
with certain nutrients or lifestyle modifications.
I do not always use testing but find it most valuable when needing to find clarity.
In a initial consultation, I will test your zinc status & pH, and use Iridology & tongue diagnosis to assess your health.
Health Testing Available
Biofeedback testing for toxicity and deficiency – in house $140
Hair Tissue analysis (Heavy Metals and Toxicity)- $120
Food Allergy/Intolerance Testing – Starts at $265
Omega 3 Test $80
Genetic Health Testing $299
Complete Microbiome mapping $360
SIBO $180
And many more
(Please note that some testing Labs have a handling fee of around $20)
Hope to see you soon!
Wishing you well,
Lucinda x