Medical Acupuncture

With Dr Fadi Hosn MBBS; FRACGP; DCH

Medical Acupuncture is Acupuncture applied by a fully qualified western medical doctor who has also been properly trained using acupuncture treatment as a modality.

Medical Acupuncture is helpful to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions.

During your first session Dr Hosn will take a thorough history, examination and review all the investigations you have had so far. He will then perform an examination from the perspective of medical acupuncture, discuss your condition and then formulate a treatment plan for you. Treatment may be commenced on this consultation or at a subsequent appointment.

No referral is required.

Please bring along any relevant blood test results or investigations and a list of your usual daily medications.

The initial session will be a longer consultation, usually taking approximately 30-40 minutes. Subsequent acupuncture booking will be the duration of a standard consultation.

All medical acupuncture consultations attract Medicare rebates similar to a GP consultation. HICAP/private insurance does not apply to medical acupuncture treatments.


Frequently asked questions


At what age can one receive acupuncture treatments?

Acupuncture is suitable for all ages.

Laser acupuncture can be used in infants and young children.

How should I prepare for acupuncture treatments?

Wear loose comfortable clothing – bring an extra blanket for covering if desired.

You do not need to stop any of your medications when you have acupuncture treatments.

Before your acupuncture treatment please avoid the following:

  • prolonged long hot bath/ shower just before your appointment
  • having a large meal or being hungry
  • excessive caffeinated beverages
  • alcohol consumption

What if I don’t like needles?

For infants, children or those who do not wish to be needled, laser acupuncture (no sharp points and painless) will be used instead of needles.

Are there any contraindications to medical acupuncture?

Acupuncture should not be used to replace medical management in acute medical emergency situations such as chest pain (heart attack), asthma attack, unexplained abdominal pain (appendicitis).

How safe is acupuncture?

It is a very safe modality in the hands of a medical acupuncturist – in particular only using single use high quality stainless steel needles.

Common side effects include mild bruising, slight ache in the area of needling.

Not everyone is a good candidate for acupuncture – feel free to discuss your concerns with the medical acupuncturist.

What will I feel during and after acupuncture?

The acupuncture needles used are very fine and thin, so most patients do not feel them.

Sometimes people may experience a slight ‘heaviness or achiness’ at the site of needle insertion – this is called ‘de qi’ that is suggestive of the correct location in the muscle. The needles usually stay on for 15-20 minutes depending on the treatment.

After the treatment, some people may feel more relaxed, whilst others feel more energised. Some may only notice the improved effects after a few treatments depending on the condition.

A small percentage of patients may feel the pain becoming slightly aggravated before it starts to improve. This is usually due to the local effects of acupuncture promoting a healing response. This sort of response will subside after a couple of treatments.

How often do I need to be treated?

Most people start to feel better after 2 or 3 treatments, however sometimes may need 6-8 treatments to experience the full effects of the acupuncture depending on the chronicity of the condition.

In acute conditions, twice weekly treatments are recommended, whilst in more long term conditions, once a week treatments will be a good start.