Dr Rashmi Cabena

[Currently not seeing new patients]

Dr. Rashmi Cabena has been in medicine for 36 years and has extensive experience in treating patients with chronic illnesses. She is friendly, easy going and always willing to help.

Dr. Cabena takes a patient centred integrative approach to treating her patients, maximising their chances of full recovery and well-being. She believes in finding and eliminating the source whilst treating her patients as naturally as possible. With an immense passion for furthering her knowledge and pure dedication to help her patients, Dr. Cabena is constantly researching, attending courses, conferences, educational programs, workshops, forums and acquiring new certifications to keep up with the latest developments in her field. She has also enjoyed teaching at various forums including at Australasian college of Nutritional and Environmental medicine.

Her most recent sabbatical in quest of finding simpler and easier options for chronic diseases and answers for those not responding to usual measures has been very satisfying and she wishes to offer to her patients what she has learnt and still learning, to establish not just physical health but more importantly mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health. Combining the wisdom of conventional medicine with the wisdom of evidence based lost sciences and evolving sciences is close to her heart.

Special Interests

  • Chronic and complex diseases in all ages
  • Mental Health issues and their Integrative Management, i.e., Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Pyrrole disorder/Mauve factor problems etc.
  • Prophylaxis of chronic health issues with family history & disease reversal strategies
  • Chronic infectious/stealth conditions/vector borne diseases.
  • ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post Viral/Post Sepsis Syndrome.
  • Integrative management of Autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, Rheumatoid and other forms of arthritis, SLE etc
  • Neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, MS etc
  • CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) due to exposure to water-damaged buildings (WDB) or other biotoxin exposures.
  • Mast cell activation syndrome
  • Cell danger response, Limbic system activation
  • Chronic musculoskeletal issues, chronic pain syndrome


  • MBBS
  • DPC (Psychological Counselling Diploma)
  • FCGP (Fellowship General Practice, India)
  • PGDFM (Post graduate Dip in Family Medicine), Colombo
  • FRACGP (Fellow of Australian College of GPs) Australia
  • Primary ACNEM (Nutritional and Environmental medicine)

 Recent evolving sciences Education-

  • Walsh research Institute (Bio Balance) training for brain biochemistry.
  • Dr D. Klinghardt’s Autonomic Response testing and chronic infections treatment training
  • Dr M. Hinz protocol for neurotransmitter balancing.
  • PIT (Perineural injection therapy by Dr Lyftogt)
  • Quantum therapies like Reiki, Sekham, Access bars etc
  • Royal London homeopathic hospital Foundation course in Homeopathy
  • Therapeutic role of Essential oils in chronic health conditions, with Dr G. Lee
  • Frequency medicine with DR R Ebrahim, Global genesis comp
  • Use of Flower essences combinations in chronic disabling conditions and enhanced through amplifying devices (Neo air, Neo light etc ) with Drs Atul and R Shah.

Main Memberships

  • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
  • Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM)
  • Indian Medical Association, IMA college of GPs (IMACGP)
  • Australian Chronic Infectious & Inflammatory Disease Society (ACIIDS)
  • International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness (ISEAI)